Black Lives Matter
Our Statement of Solidarity
The staff and contractors of the Leadership Lab, absolutely condemn the killings of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Sean Reed, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and so many before them.
We share the increasing revulsion and disgust for white supremacy, a toxic and harmful public health issue that predates and has contributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. We call out the systemic racism and structures of white supremacy that led to their deaths. We stand in solidarity with the protestors in Portland, Oregon, and throughout the United States and beyond who have bravely withstood tear gas, rubber bullets, and other forms of police suppression in order to peacefully demonstrate on behalf of the Black Lives Matter movement.
As a Native American women business owner, my team and I express the solidarity of our community in opposing and addressing anti-Black violence, systemic and rooted racism, and the ongoing legacy of historic racism.
We declare our commitment to making our organization, and our programming a safe and welcoming environment for all. We demand concrete measures in our city, and state to meaningfully support people of color, reconsider the role of policing in our communities, and begin an immediate dialogue seeking minority input.
As an organization, the Leadership Lab expresses our commitment to racial justice both through our support of those on the frontlines and through our company-wide practices and policies. This includes:
Donations - We use our resources to support individuals and organizations working to empower BIPOC communities.
Diversity in Hiring and Leadership - We seek out candidates from diverse backgrounds and provide the support that allows them to be their full selves. While we alone cannot correct hiring, retention, and promotion disparities, we believe we can use our platform to model an equitable workplace that empowers its team.
Intentional Partnerships - We seek out partnerships with BIPOC, LGBTQ, and womxn-owned vendors for various aspects of the business. In addition to mutual financial benefits, these partnerships also foster community building and education across cultural lines.
Strategic Use of Our Platform - We use our platform to amplify BIPOC, LGBTQ, and womxn’s voices. This includes the promotion of relevant art, businesses, and resources.
Resources you can support:
Where to Donate
Mental Health resources
List of Allyship resources
List of Children’s resources
List of how to get involved locally - Portland