Our Partners & Projects
Oregon Department of Human Services
STEP Program
SNAP Employment & Training Program (STEP). The SNAP Training and Employment Program (STEP) provides Oregonians with employment and training services to help them achieve and maintain their employment goal.
Funding provided by the United States Department of Agriculture. USDA is an equal-opportunity employer, provider, and lender.
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc
A 7-week, women-only, pre-apprenticeship class to help women prepare for a high-skill, high-wage career in the trades.
Oregon Easter Seals
Senior Community Service Employment Program
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is for low-income seniors who seek employment, training assistance, and social engagement. Through our transitional employment program, we partner with community-based non-profit organizations and government agencies to provide participants with training opportunities to update their skills.
Urban League of Portland
The Urban Tech Jobs Program (UTJP) is an accelerated technology training program that is exclusively designed for unemployed and underemployed adults. The program is customized for each individual based on experience and career goals. Program graduates can compete for jobs in a high-demand and growing industry.
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc
Tradeswomen Organized for Outreach, Leadership, and Support (TOOLS) builds the leadership skills of tradeswomen to advocate for equal representation for women in the trades.
Oregon Department of Education
Graduation Improvement, Career Coaching & Academic Coaching
We created relationships with local youth nonprofits to help youth through 1:1 academic and career coaching. We helped raise graduation rates through workshops and seminars for our minority, LGBTQ, and low-income students. We also ensured that students graduating from high school had a toolbox full of leadership skills, goals setting skills, and soft skills for college and careers.